2 7 . d reamup - operating softwa re update, 2 7 . 1 d reamup - preparing the softwa re – Dream Property DM5600 User Manual
Page 24

Start the DreamUp software on your computer.
Select the COM interface which you have connected with your D r e a m b o x.
M a ke sure that the ch e ckbox "Use Network” is n o t t i cke d .
You have now configured the softwa re according to your needs.
2 7 .D r e a m U p
2 7 . D reamUp - operating softwa re update
You can obtain the DreamUp softwa re and the operating softwa re from w w w. d m 5 6 0 0 . d e.
!!!! Please study these instructions thoroughly before you begin !!!!
In order to connect the Dreambox with your computer, you need a PC with a serial interface
(COM1 or COM2) and a null modem cable. In these instructions we assume that you create a
connection to your Dreambox via the COM1 interface. If many questions arise, ask your dealer
for assistance, or contact our technical hotline at w w w. d r e a m - m u l t i m e d i a - t v. d e.
The unit is switched off. Please remove all cables from your Dreambox.
Plug only the serial cable into your Dreambox.
2 7 . 1 D reamUp - preparing the softwa re
2 7 . D r e a m U p