Dream Property DM5600 User Manual

Page 42

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2 9 . G l o s s a r y

2 9 .G l o s s a ry


2 9 . G l o s s a ry

Q u a d ratur Phase Shift Keying is a modulation method for digital television programmes re c e i-
ved via satellite. In cable netwo r k s , d i f f e rent demands are placed on the transmission of digital

signals. A different modulation process is there f o re re q u i re d , " Q u a d ra t u re A m p l i t u d e
Modulation" (QAM). Since a set-top box can only command one of the two procedure s , it is
n e c e s s a ry to know the route by which digital television programmes are to be re c e i v e d .


R e d , G re e n , B l u e. Colour model in which the colour is defined by the proportions of re d , gre e n

and blue. Other colour models: C M Y, H S V, H L S. Also the name for a particular monitor signal,
since monitors have electron beams for re d , green and blue, and can thus be directly control-

l e d .

R S 2 3 2
A widely used interface between computers and other serial devices such as modems, p r i n t e r s
and mice. Softwa re updates can be fed in over the RS232 connection (for W i n d ows computers,
the COM interface).

S c a r t
21-pole cable connection for picture and sound tra n s m i s s i o n , for example from the satellite
receiver of video re c o rder to the television. The usual conncection between television and
video re c o rd e r, it is also used to connect the set-top box with both of these units. Picture and
sound can be placed back and re c o rded in this wa y.

S m a r t c a r d
Similar to a credit card , used with the CA module of the set-top box, it makes participant iden-
tification and access control for an encrypted Pay-TV or TV channel possible.

Signal to Noise Ratio. The difference between the signal level and the noise on an inform a t i o n
ch a n n e l .

Single Channel Per Carrier - transmission system (digital or analog), w h i ch uses a separa t e
carrier for each channel on a transponder (see also MCPC).