Guided installation – Digi 9P 9360/9750 User Manual

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G u i d e d I n s t a l l a t i o n

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L x N E T E S U s e r ’ s G u i d e

Guided Installation

After mounting the CD you are ready to run the installer. Use the following commands to

start (depending on your distribution's mount point):

If the script detects a Perl/Tk installation, a graphical installer will start. If it does not

detect that Perl/Tk is installed, the installer will run on the console.

Select the directory where LxNETES should be installed. Click "Select" or type in the

path. If the directory doesn't exist, the installer will create it for you.

If you plan to be the only developer on your system it is a good idea to install LxNETES

to your home-directory. Otherwise you should use a global directory like "/usr/local".

After selecting the installation, click "INSTALL". If an error accurs (e.g. no permissions

to write to the directory) the progress bar will turn red and an error message will appear.

If your system isn't able to run the graphical installer, a shell-installer will run.

The Installer will ask for the directory LxNETES should be installed.

The mount point of the CD drive depends on your distribution. SuSE e.g.

uses "/mnt/cdrom" as the default mount point. Check your "/etc/fstab" or ask

your Administrator to do this for you.



Write to directories like "/usr/local" by starting the installer as root..