Delta CS64A User Manual
Page 8
2.1 Moving Line Applications
In cases where the product moves under the sensor as on an assembly line, it is usually
important not to overly restrict headroom (distance from sensor to the target object).
2.1.1 Adequate space and moderate light levels (normal factory lighting, no direct
It is usually adequate to use a plate mounted above the line at a distance approximately
equal to the sensor standoff distance (~2” for the CS64A-00). This plate should be 12”
square or more with the CS64A mounted in the center. The bottom side of the plate
should be painted with a good quality optically flat black paint such as Krylon 1602 Ultra
Flat Black. This plate will prevent extraneous light from being reflected into the sensing
2.1.2 Limited space and high or varying light levels
If there is not enough room for a large flat plate, or if a usable size plate is inadequate, a
curtain or brush can be used to block additional light. Ideally, a plate of the largest
practical dimensions would still be used, with the curtains or brushes mounted on the
edges. The bottom edge should just clear the normal travel of the objects. The curtains
and brushes should be of dark materials. If the curtain or brush is close to the direct
sensing area (within 2”), it should be tested to make sure that it does not reflect in the
visible or near-infrared regions (see manual for information on how to test with the
2.2 Fixed Applications
In cases where the product is clamped into a fixture, sensor-to-target distance restrictions
are usually less important.
2.2.1 Fixed applications with very tight control of sensor-to-target distances
In these applications, a rectangular tube of an inflexible material such as sheet metal can
be used between the sensor and object. If necessary, weather-stripping can be used on
the bottom edge to completely block out light without marring the objects. Again, it is
preferable that the tube be as large as practical (ID: 4” x 6” or more) to minimize internal
reflections and that the interior painted optically flat black. If space is very limited, the
Color Sensor
Optional curtain
or brush
Bottom of plate and other
inside surfaces flat black
Target Object
Side View: CS64A with Light Block Plate
Color Sensor
Light Blocking Plate
– 12” square or more
Objects travel
Top View: CS64A with Light Block Plate