Perator – Chicago Gaming Golden Tee Fore! User Manual

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The OPERATOR MODE can be entered by pressing the Service Button located inside the coin door,

When in OPERATOR MODE, the game’s country code, product name, and software version and the specific Game
Serial Number are displayed at the top of the screen.

Menu items can be highlighted in one of two ways: rolling the trackball Up and Down or by pressing the LEFT and RIGHT buttons. To
select a highlighted item, press the START button. You can tell a menu item is highlighted as it will flash.

To exit most tests or menus and return the game to its normal state, use the trackball or LEFT and RIGHT buttons to highlight the
line that says EXIT, and press the start button. Otherwise, hitting start will normally exit you out of any test you are in that does not
have that option.

At the bottom of most menu screens are displayed the current date and time, next ITNet® call date and time, and the last date and
time ITNet® was called (successful or not). If the last call was unsuccessful, a short error message is displayed on the First Attempt

The MAIN MENU allows you to enter several different areas:
ITNET® COLLECTIONS & AUDITS RESET displays the current machine coin counts, for use in separation of
ITNet® fees from your collections. DO NOT change items on this menu.
VOLUME SETTINGS is used to adjust the volume of your game for your location.
OPERATOR ADJUSTABLES MENU is used for customizing the game to your location including player costs per
game, skill level settings, attract mode sounds, etc.
GAME AUDITS MENU allows you to check your game’s coin, games purchased, course, and lifetime audits.
ITNET® MENU is redesigned to take advantage of many of the ITNet® capabilities including registering your
machine with ITNET®, disabling/enabling calls to ITNET®, and forcing a call to ITNet™. DO NOT change items on
this menu.
SYSTEM TESTS MENU verifies the operation of the hardware, controls, and monitor through easy and automatic
procedures accessed through this menu.
MAILBOX is a feature that was designed with the operator in mind. However, it is currently not functional in this
version of Golden Tee Fore!
LEADERBOARDS MENU gives you quick and easy access to the Stroke Play leaderboards for each course.

For easy identification, all test screens have been color-coded. Items displayed in PURPLE are the Menu titles. This is the name of the
menu that is currently displayed. Items appearing in ORANGE are instructions for that screen. The WHITE items are choices available on
that menu. The BLUE item is the selection that is currently highlighted and/or can be changed*. Any item shown in GREEN or YELLOW is
an unselectable or pre-set unchangeable item. Items appearing in RED mean an action should be taken or the machine is displaying a
warning. *This selection will now flash for easy recognition.