Closest to pin menu, Hole-n-win menu – Chicago Gaming Golden Tee Fore! User Manual

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OPERATOR CTP OFF OR (ON - # OF MINUTES) lets the operator turn on CTTP mode on his game for a varying
set of minutes. By keeping this at OFF instead of a time frame it will keep the game in regular mode. If they choose
a set of minutes and exit all the way off then it will prompt the operator with a message saying they are entering
CTTP mode and then reset the game. Once the time is up that the operator has selected they can choose to have it
run for another 15 minutes or let it time out and reset the game putting it back into regular play mode.

ACTIVATE CTP SPONSOR ON/OFF lets the operator enable or disable the ability for selected sponsors to swipe a
special card that lets them "rent" the machine from the operator. It puts the game into the special CTTP mode but
not until they've paid for a selected amount of time. Once their time is up they can let the machine reset back to
normal or put more money in to rent the machine for a longer period of time.


DO NOT tamper with or make changes to this menu.

Version 4.00.00 and higher offers operators the ability to earn additional revenue with the ITNet® online feature
Hole-n-win! Players pay an additional amount of money for an opportunity to win money. Part of the player-
supported funds is given back to operators on their monthly ITNet® billing statement.

HOLE-N-WIN OFF disables the Hole-n-win! feature. All screens in the attract mode are hidden and the player is
never offered a Hole-n-win! opportunity. Use this if you find out your location is ineligible to run Hole-n-win!

HOLE-N-WIN ON (DEFAULT) enables the Hole-n-win! feature on your machine. This is the default all games are
set to and has all screens in the attract mode visible to all players. This then gives players, in the game, an
opportunity to win money.