Dynasty Spas D-2000 User Manual

Page 7

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Congratulations on the purchase of your new spa. Our purpose is to provide you with a

warm and relaxing spa which incorporates a soothing water massage. In order to

maximize the pleasure of your spa, you will need to understand how it works.

The following operating and maintenance instructions are very important and must

be followed carefully. With proper care and maintenance your spa will provide you with

years of satisfaction with minimum effort.

The pump and heater should be operated a minimum of four hours per day for

cleaning and heating.
The length of time required to heat your spa to the desired water temperature

will vary, depending on the air temperature, season, and wind velocity. Therefore,

this is something each owner must adjust to your liking. We highly recommend

using a vinyl hard cover to minimize heat loss and to protect your spa when not

in use. Covers are available from your local Dynasty Spa dealer.
The replaceable filter cartridge is trouble free and easy to clean. A routine cleaning

is the best practice. Make sure the pump is off, then remove the cartridge. Wash it

off using a water hose with a pressure nozzle and then reassemble. This should be

done on a monthly basis.
Keep the spa water level 2" above the skimmer. Never allow the water level to drop

below the bottom of the skimmer opening. If the water level is too low, the skimmer

will allow air into the water lines of the pump, causing it to lose its prime (water -

flow). Running the pump without water flow will damage the pump seal assembly

and could possibly result in further equipment damage.
If your spa has a redwood skirt or if you purchased a redwood gazebo, we

recommend applying a wood sealer of your choice (always follow application

instructions) to protect the finish. Repeat as directions suggest.
You should clean your spa at least every 3-4 months. Drain the spa water and

use a liquid cleanser free of abrasives to clean your spa. Such cleaners would be,

for example 409 or Fantastic. DO NOT use hard brushes. Fill with regular tap water

and chemically treat the water for a clean and healthy spa.

CAUTION: Cover must be kept on spa at all times when spa is drained or

winterized. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage plastic parts and interior

surface, jets, or any interior components. Damage as such will not be covered

under warranty.
WARNING: Do not use soft water. It may harm your acrylic.

B a s i c I n t r o d u c t o r y I n f o r m a t i o n