Dynasty Spas D-2000 User Manual
Page 30

Low water flow
Spa is leaking
Motor does not run
Motor runs hot
Probable Cause #1
Dirty Filter
Remove filter cartridge and clean.
Probable Cause #2
Probable Cause #3
Closed gate valves or blocked lines.
Open all gate valves.
Low voltage or incorrect voltage
Have a Licensed Electrician check the line voltage
Probable Cause #1
Loose connection.
Hand tighten all disconnects and fittings.
Check joints and unions
Probable Cause #1
No power to motor.
Check power switches and circuit breakers. Check
motor plug where plugged into control panel.
Probable Cause #1
Pump ran dry.
Call dealer for recommended action.
Note: These motors will feel hot to the touch. This is normal. The
Overheat sensor will turn the motor off if there is an overload or
high temperature problem.
Probable Cause #2
Pump jammed from foreign matter in impeller.
Call dealer for recommended action.
Probable Cause #2
Restricted suction lines
Make sure all valves are open/clear suction of debris.
Probable Cause #3
Motor overheats during hot days while filtering.
Re-program your controls to cycle during the
coolest parts of the day and on shorter cycles.
(see programming instructions)
T r o u b l e S h o o t i n g G u i d e ( c o n t . )