5 software support, 6 driver support for windows, 1 ud-dask – ADLINK USB-2401 User Manual

Page 18: 2 daqpilot, Software support, Driver support for windows

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Software Support

ADLINK provides comprehensive software drivers and packages
to suit various user approaches to system building. In addition to
programming libraries, such as DLLs, for most Windows-based
systems, ADLINK also provides drivers for other application envi-
ronments such as LabVIEW® and MATLAB®. ADLINK also pro-
vides ActiveX component ware for measurement and
SCADA/HMI, and breakthrough proprietary software. All software
options are included in the ADLINK All-in-One CD.

Be sure to install the driver & utility before using the USB-2401


Driver Support for Windows



UD-DASK is composed of advanced 32/64-bit kernel drivers for
customized DAQ application development. USB-DASK enables
you to perform detailed operations and achieve superior perfor-
mance and reliability from your data acquisition system. DASK
kernel drivers now support Windows 7/Vista® OS.



DAQPilot is a SDK with a graphics-driven interface for various
application development environments. DAQPilot represents
ADLINK's commitment to full support of its comprehensive line of
data acquisition products and is designed for the novice to the
most experienced programmer.

As a task-oriented DAQ driver, SDK and wizard for Windows sys-
tems, DAQPilot helps you shorten development time while accel-
erating the learning curve for data acquisition programming.

You can download and install DAQPilot at:

Data transfers

Programmed I/O

I/O Specifications