Minolta X-700 User Manual
Page 61

Exposure-adjustment control: Up to ±2 EV con-
tinuous adjustment of P, A, or M exposure by dial that
locks at zero position and each 1/2-EV setting
Mirror: Triple-coated oversize instant-return slide-up
Viewfinder: Eye-level fixed pentaprism type showing
95% of 24x36mm film-frame area; magnification:
0.9X with 50mm standard lens focused at i n f i n i t y ;
power: —1D, adjustable with accessory snap-on eye-
piece lenses; Fresnel-field focusing screen having artifi-
cially regular-patterned matte field plus central split-
image horizontally oriented focusing aid surrounded
by microprism band, interchangeable with Type P1,
P2, Pd, M, G, L, S, or H screens at authorized Minolta
service stations; visible around frame: mode indication
(P, A, or M), shutter-speed scale ( 1 , 2, 4, 8, 15, 3 0 , 60,
125, 250, 500, and 1000) with LED setting indication,
triangular over-/under-range LED indicators blinking
at 4Hz, flash-ready signal (LED next to " 6 0 " blinking
at 2Hz), FDC signal ( " 6 0 " LED blinking at 8Hz for 1
sec. after correct flash exposure), mis-set lens warning
(mode indication blinking at 4Hz) in P mode, battery
check (by glowing of any LED when operating button
touched or pressed slightly), f-number set w i t h MD or
MC lenses, and exposure-adjustment engaged indica-
tion (LED blinking at 4 H z ) ; display and metering
activated by normal finger contact or slight pressing of
operating button and continue for 15 sec, except go
out after shutter release
Flash sync and c o n t r o l : Hot shoe and PC terminal for
X sync; camera-control contact on hot shoe for flash-
ready signaling and automatic setting of shutter at
1/60 sec. (except when mode/shutter-speed selector
set for sync at " B " ) with PX and X flash units; other
electronic units synchronize at 1/60 sec. and slower
manual speeds or " B " setting; Class M F , M, and FP
flashbulbs, at 1/15 sec. or slower settings; second
contact on hot shoe for burst control by Direct
Autoflash Metering with PX units
Film advance: Manual: by lever with single 130"
stroke after 30° unengaged movement; motorized:
through built-in coupler key with accessory Motor
Drive 1 or A u t o Winder G; release button for rewind
on camera b o t t o m ; advancing-type frame counter;
Safe Load Signal indicates f i l m loading and advancing
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