Minolta X-700 User Manual
Page 36

Your X-700's center-weighted av-
eraging meter system is designed so
that light from all parts of the
viewfield (picture area) is measured
by the silicon photocell but influ-
ence from a broad central area
is greatest. Thus the reading
should give satisfactory exposure
without adjustment as long as
the main subject area occupies a
major part of the center of the
frame. When it does not, you may
want to use the AE lock to take a
close-up reading or the exposure-
adjustment control to increase or
decrease exposure by up to two
stops (see the two sections at right
and box on pages 36 and 37).
As with most metering systems,
strong sources of direct light or
other very bright areas may adverse-
ly influence the reading if allowed
to dominate the frame.
Though the X-700's viewfinder is
designed to minimize the effect on
the meter of light entering through
the eyepiece under usual condi-
tions, you should be careful to
shield the eyepiece — especially if
you wear glasses — in the following
• When the subject is in shade and
the camera is in sunlight
•When bright sidelight falls be-
tween eye and eyepiece
• When stop-down metering is used
(p. 31)
To shield the eyepiece, use a
rubber eyecup or place your thumb
so that it blocks sidelight. When
viewing is unnecessary, the eyepiece
cap (p. 25) can be used to com-
pletely eliminate the problem.
To obtain proper exposure in
high-contrast lighting situations
where your subject is on the edge
of the frame or occupies only a
small portion in the center, use the
AE lock as follows:
1. Shift the camera's position so the
subject fills most of the frame. For
small subjects, you may need to
move closer.
2. With the viewfinder LED display
on, press the AE lock all the way
down and hold it there; you may
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