Minolta X-700 User Manual

Page 43

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Distance scale

You may f i n d that in the follow-

ing situations it is easier to focus by

estimating the distance to your
subject, then aligning the corre-
sponding figure on the distance
scale with the index:

• If you are taking long exposures

or flash pictures when it is too
dark to focus through the lens

• If you want to prefocus on your

subject, such as in quickly shot
candid photos

Film-plane index

The symbol beneath the f i l m -

advance lever indicates the position
occupied by the f i l m in the camera.

It can be used for measuring the

distance from subject to film when

taking close-ups, photomacrographs,
and photomicrographs, where the
exact distance is sometimes impor-

Infrared index

For proper focus when using

infrared f i l m , first focus your sub-

ject as usual w i t h visible light, then
attach a red filter and turn the

focusing ring to the right to align

the point of proper focus on the

distance scale w i t h the small red
dot (or red " R " on MC and old-

type MD lenses) on the depth-of-

field scale. Set exposure according
to the f i l m manufacturer's recom-
