Minolta X-700 User Manual

Page 19

background image

A handy ISO (DIN-ASA) table,

w i t h a surrounding memo holder

for keeping the film-box end as a

reminder of the f i l m type and

number of exposures, is located on
the camera back.

Loading film

Before opening the camera back,

confirm that there is no film inside

that could be damaged by light if
the back is opened, by checking

• No red is visible in the Safe Load

Signal (see p. 20).

• Rewind crank can be freely

rotated clockwise many times

w i t h o u t pushing rewind button.

Since the frame counter advances
each time the shutter is cocked
even if no film is inside, the camera

may be empty even when the index

does not point to " S " .

Prior to loading f i l m , set the f i l m

speed (see previous page) and turn

the main switch on (p. 13).


• Film should be handled and load-

ed in subdued light - at least
shaded from direct sunlight by your

• Do not touch any parts or areas
shown in blue below.