Using the generator, Operating the generator, System ground – Generac 1019-3 User Manual
Page 8: Connecting to a building’s electrical system, How to use the battery charger, Eaution
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forbibk Prodicti
7500EXL Extended Life Generator
System Ground_____________________
The generator has a system ground that connects the
generator frame components
to the ground tormina s on
the AC output receptacles.The system ground is connected
to the AC neutral wire (see "Equipment Description”,
eariier in this manua).
Special Requirements
There may be Federal or State Occupationa Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) regu ations, local codes, or
ordinances that app у to the intended use of the generator.
Piease consuita qualified eiectrician, eiectricai inspector, or
the loca agency having jurisdiction,
• In some areas, generators are required to be registered
with bcai utiii^ companies,
• If the generator is used at a construction site, there may
be additionai reguiations which must be observed.
Connecting to a Building’s Electrical
Connections for standby power to a building’s e ectrica
system must be made by a qua ifled eiectrician. The
connection must isolate the generator power fram utiiily
power, and must сотр у with a
app icab e aws and
electrical codes.
Generatoi' produces powerful voltage.
Failure to Isolate generator from power utility
can result In deatli or injury to electric utility
workers due to backfeed of electi'ical energy.
VyhRh; using generator ifbr backtip powenihotily iutiiity i i 111111111
ccMT|pany.:Use appraved: tranter: qquipmqnc to isolate
gerieiatbr froffi electric Utili^i::::::::::::::::::::::::::.....
Use a ground: fault idrcult interrupter
( C - C ) in any idarfip ibr::
highly conductive; areavSUGh as ;metef decking or steel work,
30 NOT touch I bare wlrt»: br rbcoplaclcs.i i k k k k......
:DO: NOT use: generator with electrical: cords which are vtrorn,
fti^cd, bare;or:othcrwise damaged.
DO NO~ operate generator in the tain,
DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
in watenwhiic barefoot or while hands or foot arc wet..
DO NOT al low unqualifled persons or children to operate or
service generator:^
How to Use the Battery Charger
Use battery float charger jack to keep the starting battery
charged and ready for use. Battery charging should be done
in a dry bcation, such as inside a ;^rage,
• Plug the charger into the unit’s “Battory Float Char^r”
jack, which is located on the starter switch (Figure 3).
Plug battery charger into a 120 Volt AC wal
Figure 3 — Battery Cliaigcr Jack
j ''
• Unp ug the char^r from the unit and the wall outlet when
generator is being started and while it is in operation.
• Keep this charger plugged in when generator is not in
use to prolong battery ife.The charger has a built in float
equalizer and will not overcharge the battery, even when
plugged in for an extended period of time.
IMPORTANT; See “Battery Maintenance” on page 14 for
additional information,
IMPORTANT; A wa)^ unplug the battery float charger
before starting the generator.
Exceeding generators watcage/amperage capacity can
damage generator and/or’ electrical devices connected
•:: Sbe ■ ‘DQfi’tlOveriQad iGchdratbr^ ■ bh ppgcl 13. I
*:: Start gGncf^tqr:an(d: jot onginc 5toi>t|rzc before connecting;;;
::: elCCttiral: llbads;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: k
*;; Gbririoct electrical loads in OFF positron, then turn ON for
;;; qpet^pn,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
•:: Turn: cjcctrical: loads :0:FF: affd :disc6hnect from generator
;;; befcre stbpprr|g;generi№brt;;;;;;;;;;;;