Asus P/I-P6RP4 User Manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- P/I-P6RP4
- Installation Procedures
- 4. Expansion Cards
- DcycripZ/fj/i of Disk Parameters
- Using auto detect hard dhh {onty for IDE drives)
- Typematfc Rata iChars/Sec)
- System Keyboard
- Pnmary DfSpiay
- Mouse Support
- Memory Test Tick Sound
- Hit **DEL" Message Dtsptay
- System Boot Up Num Lock
- Floppy Drive Seek At Boot
- Ffappy Drive Swapping
- internal Cache
- Video BIOS Shadow Cacheable
- Adapter BIOS Shadow Cacheabfe
- System BIOS Shadow Cacheabie
- Bottom 1/2 VOA Memory AOOO
- Top 1/2 VGA Memory BÜOO
- U
- On Board pa tDE
- Boot to PnP operating system
- PCi fOE Card Present in
- PCI !DE iRQ Connected to
- Sfot 7 /RQ Sefect Siot Z.„ Sfoi 3.,., S/of 4.,,
- DcycripZ/fj/i of Disk Parameters
- 2. Utility Group