Embroidering and monogramming, Darning – SINGER W130 User Manual

Page 23

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1. Release pressure of presser foot. Lower

fabric feeders. Lock zigzag indicator

into position "2” under the zigzaa

indicator plate. Put material into em­

broidery hoop, then place under foot.

Lower foot, then turn the fly wheel

toward you by hand and raise the

lower thread through the material so

that both the upper and lower threads

are on top of your material.

2. Sew at medium speed. Move material

slowly so that the thread will be close

together as in a satin stitch. With a
little practice you will be able to do

many types of designs and gain a great
deal of pleasure from your machine.

Fig. 6 0

24. D A R N I N G

1. Release the pressure of the presser

foot. Lower the fabric feeders, and

place the material under the foot and
lower the presser bar.

-NPT~F ■ This enables you to move

the material in any direction while
the machine is running.

2. Sew around the areas you desire to

darn. Then move the material back

and forth, sewing out beyond the worn

or open place in the material. Con­

tinue until the hole is covered, going

both sideways and forward and back.

MOTE : While darning, run the machine
at medium speed.