Blind hemming, Appliaueing – SINGER W130 User Manual

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1. Set zigzag indicator on # 4.

2. Set stitch length on largest stitch lo­

cated on stitch length indicator plate.

3. Fold the material as shown in Fig. 57-


4. Turn the fly wheel toward you by

hand until the needle is on the left

side of the zigzag. Place the material

under the presser foot, then adjust the

material until the left side of the fold

is directly under the needle.

5. Make the first stitch by running the

needle through the material by hand,

being very careful to just barely catch

the folded edge. (See Fig. 57-B) These

stitches should be on the reverse side

of your material. When you open the

folded material, the blind stitch will

be on the front side of your material.

(See. Fig. 57-C)

CAUTION : When making blind hem.

run the machine very slowly. For best

results loosen upper thread tension.


1. Adjust the machine to a narrow zig

zag stitch.

2. Set the stitch length to smallest stitch.

Baste material on to the article, then

sew around the edges of the material.

Fia. 57

Fig. 58