Command of fchkce, Generation of list file, 6 command of fchkce 8.6.1 generation of list file – Casio PA-2400W User Manual
Page 74

8.6 Command of FCHKCE
8.6.1 Generation of List File
If the names of files to be transferred (copied) from PA-2400W are specified, this command will create
a list of files to be transferred (copied) and a list file that contains the checksum data calculated from all
the files to be transferred. Furthermore, the checksum data of this list file is also generated. The name of
a list file created with this command is set to "FCHK.LOG".
If the list file is successfully created, a return value “0” will be passed to this command as the program
termination code. If list file creation fails, this command receives a return value that is not "0" and is
abnormally terminated. In either case a history file is generated.
(FCHKG.HIS is created in [FCHK.LOG File output Directory name]).
The history file is generated to track the process of creating a list file. The user must transmit (copy) the
list file generated by this command to the partner station (child machine side) when performing any file
transfer (file copy).
Information to be set in the list file includes:
1) File size
2) Date and time of update
3) Transfer (copy) destination pathname (file name)
4) Number of transferred (copied) files
5) Checksum data of all the transferred (copied) files
6) Checksum data of list file
The checksum data of all the transferred (copied) files consists of the result in which each piece of
double-word data in all the objective files is XORed sequentially from beginning to end.
However, the checksum data of a list file is generated to obtain the sum of each double-word
contained in the list file, then a value is calculated that offsets the sum to zero. Use this offset value as
the checksum data.
The checksum data will be outputted as a list file as follows:
If an error occurs while generating the checksum of the list file (FCHK.LOG) which has already been
generated, the list file will be aborted. However, a generated list file will not be deleted even if an error
occurs during the analysis of command parameters.