YSI 610 User Manual
Page 6

From the Main menu go to the Communications menu
and select Kermit 610 < Sonde. When you see the direc-
tory displayed, select the desired file and press Enter. If
only one file exists inside the 6000, the upload will begin
During the upload, you will see several status counters on
the 610 screen. But if the counters do not advance, press
Esc to abort the upload, and try again. When the upload
is done, you will see "Successful" on the 610 screen.
600XLM TO A 610-DM
As mentioned in the previous section, you need not stop
logging to upload file data. However, if the sonde is busy
taking a reading, you may need to wait a minute before
beginning the transfer of data.
From the Main menu go to the Communications menu
and select Kermit 610 < Sonde. You will see the sonde’s
File menu. From that menu choose Upload. Select the
file you want and then select Proceed. You will be asked
what file format you want - PC6000 format is best for
most applications. You will see several status counters on
the 610 screen. But if the counters do not advance, press
Esc to abort the upload, and try again.
When the upload is done, you will see "Successful" on
the 610 screen.
610-DM TO A PC
Run the EcoWatch or PC6000 program on the PC. Select
the Sonde icon from EcoWatch’s toolbar, or select Sonde
from the PC6000 top menu bar, and press Enter. A mes-
sage will indicate “No Sonde” is connected. Press Enter
on the PC again to obtain a blank screen.
Connect the null modem cable to the appropriate PC
comm port. Connect the other end of the null modem
cable to the 610 DB-9 pigtail PC adapter.
From the 610 Main menu select Communications, then
select Kermit 610 > PC. Select the file you wish to send,
or select Send All Files (at the bottom of the list).
During the upload, you will see several status counters on
the 610 and PC screens. But if the counters do not ad-
vance, press Esc at both the PC and the 610 to abort the
upload, and try again