5 controls and indications – Winco DSE2548 User Manual
Page 9
DSE2548 relay output expansion module
057-083 Issue 1 DSE2548 LED expansion operator manual 9
Power on / Link lost
Steady when DC supply is connected and data is being received
from the host controller.
Flashing when the DC supply is connected and the data connection
to the host controller is not operating.
Status 1-8
Lit when the corresponding channel is active
The 2548 LED expansion module has an integral sounder, activated upon a signal from the ‘host
controller’. The controller will activate the sounder when an alarm becomes active and silence the
sounder when an alarm mute button (local or remote) is pressed.
Pressing the button will signal to the host controller that the button is
pressed. The controller will respond by lighting all LEDs on the 2548
module (lamp test) and silencing the sounder (alarm mute).
If configured to do so, the host controller will also perform a lamp test and
alarm mute function.
Address Switch
Lamp test/alarm mute
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