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Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully

the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999161 / 27/03/2012

page 27 of 45

Factory-set mode ”VACUU•LAN” and ”VACUU•LAN for pumps with 8 cylinders”

(VACUULAN and VCL 8cyl)

• operation of a vacuum pump using an in-line valve

• operation without in-line valve: switching of a pump according to user requirements

• control of a speed controlled pump (NT VARIO) according to requirements

• VCL 8cyl: VACUU•LAN mode for diaphragm pumps with start-up control (delay of 3 minutes

for start-up) for VACUUBRAND pumps type ME 16(C), MD 8(C), MD 12(C) and MV 10(C)

Settings in the program menu:

Lower pressure value (p Set) and switch-off time (t Off): If the pressure falls below the lower

set point (”p Set”), the time meter for automatic shut down is started; additionally the pumping speed

is reduced (NT VARIO pumps only). Process control stops when the switch-off time has passed. The

vacuum pump is switched off, if the pressure stays below ”p set” for longer than ”t Off”. The

pump starts again in case of a large pressure increase. If the pressure is higher than ”p set”, then

the time meter for automatic shut down is reset.

Upper pressure value (p On): If the pressure is higher than ”p On” , the pump starts again.

Only for pumps with 8 cylinders: Pumping down does not restart before three minutes have elapsed

since the shut down. This is to enable a reliable restart of pumps equipped with start-up control.

Program menu in mode VACUULAN and VCL 8cyl

t Off

p Set

p On

t Off
10 min

p Set

p On

