Readjustment of the gauge head vsp 3000, Notice – VACUUBRAND CVC 3000 User Manual
Page 56

The vacuum gauge head VSP 3000 was adjusted using
factory standards, which are traceable through regular
calibration in an accredited laboratory (DAkkS calibration
laboratory) to the German national pressure standard.
Depending on the process and/or accuracy requirements,
check the adjustment and readjust if necessary. For re-
adjustment, the device has to be adjusted both at atmo-
spheric pressure as well as under vacuum but only if the
reference pressures are known with certainty. The adjust-
ment mode can be activated only if the process control is
inactive. Press ”START/STOP” key, if necessary.
For adjustment, install the pressure transducer VSP
3000 in the same orientation in which it will be oper-
ated later at the application.
Allow the pressure transducer a period of minimum 20
minutes to preheat. Adjustment is not possible during
the preheat time (20 minutes after connecting the volt-
age supply).
---- Torr is displayed, if adjustment is not possible in
the actual pressure range.
Adjustment at atmospheric pressure
An adjustment at atmospheric pressure is only
possible in the upper pressure range.
Vent the measurement connection of the VSP 3000 pressure trans-
ducer. Make sure that the measurement connection of the VSP 3000
is at atmospheric pressure. Allow the pressure transducer a period of
minimum 20 minutes to preheat at this pressure.
In ”Configuration” menu, select program ”Adjustment” at the controller.
The reading is automatically adjusted to ”750 Torr” (”1000 mbar”). This
value is fix and can not be changed.
Press the selection knob to confirm.
750 Torr
Readjustment of the gauge head VSP 3000