VACUUBRAND CVC 3000 User Manual
Page 37

Speed (only for NT VARIO / VARIO-B pumps): The maximum motor
speed can be preselected (to control the pumping speed).
The ”Speed” is adjustable in a range of 1-100% or can be set to ”HI”.
The selection ”HI” (recommended) provides the optimum pumping
speed of the pump and therefore an optimum ultimate vacuum.
Maximum: An upper pressure limit can be preselected. The pump
switches off if the pressure limit is exceeded, e.g., at the end of suc-
tions or filtrations. The pressure limit is only active once the pressure
has gone below ”Maximum”.
The ”Maximum” is adjustable in a range of 794-1Torr (1059 - 1 mbar)
(at the least 1 Torr (mbar) higher than the ”Set vacuum”) and to ”Off”.
”Off” means that no ”Maximum” value is preset.
Delay: ”Delay” determines the time the coolant valve remains open af-
ter the process has been stopped. Determines also the time the pump
(only with VMS module and in-line valve) remains running after the
process has been stopped.
The ”Delay” is adjustable in a range of 1-300 minutes or can be set to
”Off” (”Off” means that the coolant valve closes immediately - and that
a pump with VMS module and in-line valve is switched off immediately
- when the process stops.).
Duration: ”Duration” determines the total process time since control
A preset ”Duration” (process time) has no effect if the process is
stopped due to a preset ”Maximum” before ”Duration” is reached.
The ”Duration” is adjustable between 1-1440 minutes (24 h) or can be
set to ”Off”. ”Off” means that no endpoint of the process is defined.
Vac control
When selecting ”Graphic” the dis-
play shows a pressure vs. time
The timeline in the diagram
adapts automatically to the pro-
cess time.
Press the selection knob twice
to return to the standard dis-