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Notes on choosing the appropriate oil for the application
standard oil for VACUUBRAND rotary vane pumps is the B-oil. This
is a mineral oil, which is used for the first filling of the pump.
The advantages of the B-oil are: Flat viscosity curve, low vapor pressure,
good chemical resistance, extended stability when pumping oxidants,
acid or basic vapors compared to conventional mineral oils, and good
skin compatibility.
Certain pumped media may attack the conventional oil in the pump. Spe-
cial oils can be used preventively. It is at the users’ responsibility to check
if the materials of the wetted parts are resistant against the pumped sub-
stances. This is also mandatory if special oils are used.
Special oils:
Rotary vane pump oil K8
The rotary vane pump oil K8 is a special oil designed for pumping acid
vapors. The oil is very hygroscopic and has a limited capacity for acids.
With decreasing pH, the anticorrosive effect decreases as well, and it is
necessary to change the oil at appropriate intervals. When the pump will
stand still for prolonged periods (i.e., for several days), the oil must be
drained and the pump must be filled with mineral oil.
Synthetic oil (perfluoropolyether oil, e.g., Fomblin
Synthetic oils have an excellent chemical resistance and are certified
for pumping pure oxygen. Therefore these oils are excellent for handling
strong oxidants, e.g., halogens, nitrogen oxides, etc.
Attention: As perfluoropolyether oils mixed with mineral oils result in an
emulsion, pumps used with these oils must be absolutely free of any
residues of mineral oils. To accomplish this, you must completely disas-
semble and diligently clean the pump unit.
* reg. trade mark Montedison
Attention if using special oils: Due to a different viscosity / density com-
pared to the standard oil, pumps filled with special oil may not achieve
the specified ultimate pressure, or the pumps may not start reliably at
temperatures below 54°F (12°C).