VACUUBRAND PC 620 NT User Manual
Page 54

Documents are only to be used and distributed completely and unchanged. It is strictly the users´ responsibility to check carefully
the validity of this document with respect to his product. Manual-no.: 999188 / 19/05/2009
Remove valve heads conjointly with disc springs, con-
nection tube, and connection fasteners or move the valve
heads carefully aside. Note or mark the position and orien-
tation of the valve heads.
Note position of valves.
Check valves and O-rings for damages and soiling.
Replace valves or O-rings if necessary.
Use petroleum ether or industrial solvent to remove de-
posits. Do not inhale.
Position valve heads, with connection tube or connection
fastener, and disc springs on the valve seats. Position disc
springs with camber upwards. Pay attention to the correct
orientation of the valve heads.
Centre the valve head with respect to the valve seat. The
valve head must lie plane within the noses of the valve
Valve head with gas ballast:
Insert square nut in the groove of the head cover or po-
sition square nut in the groove and screw on connection
fastener afterwards.
Fix fillister head screw only slightly.
Loosen connection fastener slightly.
Turn the fillister head screw with a Torx screw driver TX20
one turn at most.
Do not detach the fillister head screw from the square
Loosen the clamping brackets on the valve heads.
Unscrew at each clamping bracket the two countersunk
screws with a Torx screw driver TX20. Remove the clamp-
ing brackets.
Insert O-rings and valves. See figure for the correct posi-
tion of the valves:
Inlet side (IN):
Marked ”IN” next to the valve seat. The valve tongue points
at the reniform orifice in the valve seat.
Outlet side (EX):
Marked with ”EX” next to the valve seat. The valve is ori-
ented the same way as the valve at the inlet side.