Fieldpilot, Recommended electronics installation – TeeJet FieldPilot Install Willmar 7200/50 & 7400/50 User Manual

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9. install steering disengage switch (kit 91-07011)

The steering disengage kit


is used to automatically disengage FieldPilot when the steering wheel is

turned. The magnets mount on the steering shaft and the sensor detects the rotation of the shaft. Set the

clearance between the sensor and magnets to 1/8” and rotate the steering wheel in both directions to be

sure that the sensor does not contact the magnets or the shaft. Connect the sensor to the Steering Control

Module Cable labeled ‘Steering Wheel Sense’ and secure the cables in position so that they cannot interfere

with the rotation of the steering shaft.
Figure 1-12: Install Steering Disengage Switch (Kit 91-07011)

10. recOMMended electrOnics installatiOn

The SCM should be mounted as far forward in the cab as possible. The control console can be mounted

to the operator’s preference. The GPS antenna should be mounted hood on a metal surface of at least 4”

square. The AGM


should be mounted on the rear portion of the machine.

Figure 1-13: Recommended Electronics Installation
