Smartpad ii settings – TeeJet Tilt Compensation Module Guide_SmartPad II User Manual

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SmartPad II Settings

Once the Tilt Sensor is properly installed and connected to the SmartPad II, two initial setup steps
must be performed; enter an antenna height and calibrate (level) the sensor. The vehicle should be on
level ground when performing these two steps.

Antenna Height

To access Antenna Height select Guidance>Setup>Guidance>Antenna Height. Enter the height of the
GPS antenna above the ground. Initial value is 9.8ft (3m). Minimum value is 0, and the maximum value
is 32.8ft. (10m).

Calibrate Tilt Sensor

Once the antenna height has been entered, and the vehicle is on level ground, the sensor needs to be
calibrated (Level). To access the level feature select Tools>Level.
Highlight the Level Tilt menu item and press the enter button. When calibration is complete a
message dialog box will appear. Press enter to continue.

Tilt Sensor System Guide

Figure 2: Setting Antenna Height

Figure 3: Calibrating (Level) Tilt Sensor