TeeJet SmartPad II Lightshow User Guide User Manual

TeeJet Computers

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Lightshow User’


Guide f


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Information contained in this document is confidential and should not be distributed outside of Midwest Technologies Illinois, LLC
without the consent of Midwest Technologies Illinois, LLC.

Oct. 28th, 2004 - Week 44

Light Show User’s Guide

Program Intent

The Light Show program is intended for a sales show demonstration of the Swath XL lightbar.
Essentially Light Show will simulate a functioning lightbar while running guidance on the Swath XL.
The SmartPad will not display a moving map while Light Show is running. This program strictly runs a
lightbar simulation. Light Show program can be run either from the PC card while inserted into the
Smart-pad, or by installing it to the Smart-pad's flash memory system.


You will/should have a self-extracting executable file named ltshow.exe. Un-zip this file; this will unzip a
new folder named Support. The Support folder will contain 3 files; ltshow.exe, and ltshow.txt.

Installing and Running Light Show from the PC Card

Place the entire Support folder onto the PC card. Do not put the Support folder in any sub-folder on
the PC card; it must be place at the root (highest level) of the PC Card.

Firmly seat the PC Card in the SmartPad slot and turn on the unit.

When the main menu appears, select Light Show from the Swath XL Tools menu. When you select
this entry, the Light Show Swath XL Lightbar guidance simulation will begin.

The ltshow.txt file contains a list of keywords that are interpreted as lightbar states. These keywords
are part of the Swath XL Light Show data dictionary. Each data dictionary keyword is defined below.
The ltshow.exe program reads each keyword contained in the ltshow.txt file and displays that state on
the lightbar. After a little practice and review of the Light Show data dictionary, you will be able to
create your own Light Show by modifying the ltshow.txt file.

The Light Show program will cycle through the set of lightbar states in ltshow.txt. When the program
encounters the last keyword state the last state in the ltshow.txt file, it simply moves back to the first
keyword state and starts over. To end the Light Show program, hit the cancel key.

Installing and Running Light Show from the Smartpad

You can also install a version of Light Show onto the Swath XL Smartpad. This eliminates the need to
have the PC card inserted into the Smartpad in order to run the Light Show program. To install Light
Show on to the Smartpad follow these steps:

Obtain the self-extracting zip file named ltshinst.exe. Extract (unzip) the contents of the ltshinst.exe
program. A folder named install is created when you unzip the ltshinst.exe file. Copy this folder and its
contents, on to the Swath XL PC card. When you are completed, you should have a folder named
install on your PC card.

Insert the PC card into the PC card slot located on the Swath XL Smartpad; turn the unit on. Move to
the Tools menu, and run the Light Show install program.