Setup - system cont – TC-Helicon VoiceLivePlay GTX Details manual User Manual
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Global Key – sets the key to be used with harmony generation and/or pitch correc-
there are two settings:
off – Key can be set per individual preset, via direct key setting (C, d, f# etc ), inst in
(Guitar/Keyboard) via naturalplay, room sense, midi or aux
on – when a key is chosen within a preset, that key will remain when the preset is changed
Global Tempo – sets globally applied tap tempo
there are two settings:
off – tap tempo set within a preset changes from preset to preset
on – tap tempo set within a preset will maintain that setting when the preset is changed
Global Guitar FX – Controls the way guitar effects are applied to presets
there are two settings:
off – Guitar effects are set per-preset
on – Guitar effects set within a preset will maintain that setting when the preset is changed
This setting is especially useful to acoustic guitar players, who may want to find a “sound” that
works for their guitar and then stick with it for all songs
Guitar Gate – sets the gate threshold for guitar input
Guitars have varying amounts of “noise” inherent in their signal sometimes it’s desireable to set a gate
to “cut off” or “mute” the guitar when the incoming signal is very low we’ve set the threshold pretty
low by default, but you may want to raise it to suit your style having a higher gate threshold can be
effective when playing quick chords with rests in between
Setup - System cont.
Mic Boost – increases the mic gain for quiet singers
some users sing more quietly than others, requiring the mic Gain knob to be turned up quite far to offset
this, we’ve added a mic Boost feature in firmware v1 2 03 which allows +6 or +12 dB of extra gain if you
need it the default value is +6 dB
RoomSense LoCut - Provides a high pass filter to reduce “rumble”.
in some circumstances, the low frequencies “in the room” such as bass or kick drum can cause the room-
sense mics to become muddy sounding adjust the LoCut parameter to “roll off” undesireable sounds from
your mix