Setting the nitrox values – SUUNTO D6I User Manual
Page 57
5.8.1. Setting the nitrox values
If set to the NITROX mode, the correct oxygen percentage of the gas in your cylinder
(and additional gases) must always be entered into the computer to ensure correct
nitrogen and oxygen calculations.
In the NITROX setting mode, the equivalent maximum operating depth (MOD), based
on the chosen setting, is displayed. After entering values for Mix1, you can set two
additional mixes, Mix2 and Mix3. You can set Mix2 and Mix3 to "Primary", "Secondary"
or "Off". Set the gas as "Primary" if you use the mix for decompression. Set the gas
as "Secondary" if this gas is for back-up/emergency purpose only (for example, dive
partner's gas mix which differs from your own primary gas). "Secondary" gas is not
taken into account in decompression calculations unless you enable it. Mix1 is always
set as the "Primary" gas. The default oxygen percentage (O2%) setting is 21% (air)
and oxygen partial pressure (PO2) setting is 1.4 bar.
In order to minimize the risk of error during a dive, it is highly recommended that the
mixes are set in the proper order. This means that as the mix number rises, so does
oxygen content, and this is the order they are usually used during the dive. Before a
dive, only enable the mixes you actually have available, and remember to check the
set values to ensure they are correct.
The ASC time is calculated based on the assumption that you start the ascent profile
immediately, and all the gases enable as Primary gas are changed as soon as their
maximum operating depth allows it. That is, using the gases that are set as primary,
the most optimal ascent schedule for the moment is calculated.