3 installation procedure – Compaq OXYGEN VX1 User Manual
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2-2 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI Graphics Controller Installation Guide
2.3 Installation
The following section describes how to install the 3Dlabs OXYGEN VX1 PCI
graphics controller. To install the module, perform the following steps:
____________________________ Note _______________________________
Before installing the module, check your monitor specification for signal
compatibility and supported features offered by the 3Dlabs OXYGEN
VX1 PCI graphics controller.
___________________________Caution _____________________________
Static electricity can damage sensitive electronic components. When
handling your graphics option, use an anti-static wriststrap that is
connected to a grounded surface on your computer system.
1. Perform a normal power-down of your computer system and disconnect the
monitor cable.
2. Disconnect all AC power cables from the wall outlet (or turn off the circuit
breakers if applicable to your system) to remove power from the system.
3. Remove the cover from your computer (refer to your system documentation).
4. Put on an anti-static wriststrap.
___________________________Caution _____________________________
An anti-static wriststrap must be worn when handling any module to
prevent damage to the module.
5. If your computer has an existing graphics module, remove the screw that
secures it and then remove the module.
6. If your system had a previously installed graphics option, you can use that
slot if it is a PCI slot, or you can select any empty PCI expansion slot on the
primary PCI bus. Remove the slot cover if you are using a new slot. Refer to
your system owner’s guide for information about graphics option slots.