SV565DUTPU User Manual
Page 13

Instruction Manual
Hotkey Commands for both Remote Unit and Local Unit
Before inserting the hotkey commands, it’s required to launch the leading code ( [Ctrl]
+ [Ctrl] or [Ctrl] + [Ctrl] + [E] ) depending on Cascade Architecture.
Hotkey Commands
Function Descriptions
Push Button
[Alt] + [E]
Cascading status selection
* [both Units]
One beep: Enable Standard Mode
* [Remote Unit]
Two beeps: Enable Compatibility Mode, and the
user at Remote Unit accessing to the KVM switch
that is connecting to Local Unit.
* [Local Unit]
Two beeps: Enable Compatibility Mode, and the
users at Local Unit accessing to the KVM switch that
is connecting to the Local Unit.
[Alt] + [S]
Reset the Unit to the factory default
Escape from hotkey mode
Mode selection in Sequence
Switch console control between Local Computer and
Remote Computer
Local mode selection
* [Remote Unit]
Enable the user at the Remote Unit accessing to
the computer (KVM Switch) that connects to the
Remote Unit.
* [Local Unit]
Enable the user at Local Unit exclusive accessing to
the PC (KVM Switch) that connects to Local Unit.
Disables the Remote Unit user accessing.