Source Audio Soundblox 2 Dimension Reverb User Manual

Page 14

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14 | Controls: Knobs

This knob controls the high frequency damping (or roll-off) in the feed-
back loop. As the knob is turned down (full counter-clockwise) and more
damping is applied, higher frequencies will tend to die out more quickly
for a duller sound. Turn the knob fully clockwise for the least amount of
damping which will result in more overall treble in the sound.

Discovering Preset Knob Positions
Since the Dimension Reverb preset values can differ from the physical
knob positions, it may be useful to determine the positions of the preset
knob values. To do this, start with the pedal in bypass and set all of the
knobs to the full counter-clockwise position. Next, enable the preset and
slowly turn each knob up one at a time until the preset indicator LED be-
gins to blink rapidly. When this happens, the current position of the knob
matches the saved value.