Source Audio Soundlbox 2 Orbital Modulator User Manual
Page 12

Controls: Knobs | 11
MIX (Red LED):
The MIX knob controls the ratio between the wet
and dry signals. This knob is split into two regions: normal and
inverted wet signals. The 12 o’clock position produces a 100%
dry signal—as the knob is turned clockwise from 12 o’clock the
wet signal gradually increases as the dry signal decreases until
reaching a 100% wet mix at its right-most position. The process
is repeated with an inverted wet signal in the counter-clockwise
direction. The inverted wet signal interchanges the positions of
the peaks and valleys in the frequency response and tends to
reduce bottom end. The marks at approximately 10 and 2 o’clock
around the MIX knob indicate the point of a 50/50 wet/dry mix.
Set the MIX knob to a 50/50 ratio for the most prominent phase
or flange effects.
Factory Defaults: Given the number of different functions available on
the OPTION KNOB, it can be useful to “zero” all of the controls to a
default value. We pre-loaded the Orbital Modulator with unique default
settings that are a good starting point for each effect type (note: the
CLASSIC effect type defaults to a flanger setting). You can recall these
values at any time by pressing and holding the OPTION SELECT button
until its three LEDs blink two times.
Note: To learn the knob positions of the default settings, go to the
SB2 Orbital Modulator product page on our website and download the
PDF titled, SB2 Orbital Modulator Preset Suggestions.