Sonics VCX1500 User Manual
Page 18

Your Ultrasonic Processor was designed to provide you with years of safe and
dependable service. Nevertheless, because of component failure or improper usage,
the possibility does exist that it might not perform, as it should, shut down due to an
overload condition or that it will stop working all together. The most probable causes
for malfunction are listed below and should be investigated.
The unit was plugged into an electrical outlet that provides a different voltage from
the one required. See
Electrical Requirements.
The probe or booster is not secured properly.
A fuse(s) has failed.
1. Set the AMPLITUDE to 50, and press the I and the START/STOP key. With the
flow cell empty of any liquid, or the probe in air (out of sample), the wattmeter
should read below 20 watts. If the reading exceeds 20 watts, press the
START/STOP key, and disconnect the probe from the booster.
2. Press the START/STOP key to restart the equipment. If the wattmeter reads below
20 watts, the probe has failed or is out of tune due to excessive erosion, and
should be replaced. If the wattmeter reads above 20 watts, either the converter,
booster, or power supply has failed and the Ultrasonic Processor should be
returned for repair.
3. If the Ultrasonic Processor stops working due to an overload condition as
indicated on the display, press the O key, investigate and remedy the problem,
then press the I key to restart the equipment.