Solvline PB30xx+ User Manual
Page 27
Portbase User Guide
z Port Alias (Default: Port1)
Port alias name for convenience. 16 Characters at maximum.
z Baud Rate (Default: 9600bps)
Options: 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400,
460800, 921600bps
Set communication speed.
z Data Bits
(Default: 8)
Options: 5, 6, 7, 8
Set the number of bits in each character size.
z Stop Bits
(Default: 1)
Options: 1, 2
Set the number of stop bits.
z Parity
(Default: None)
Options: None, Odd, Even
Set parity bit check scheme.
z Flow Control (Default: None)
Options: None, Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS
Set the flow control scheme.
z Device Type (Default: DataOnly)
Options: Data Only, Modem Signals
Set the signal line checking method for the device to be connected to the given serial port.
If the mode is set to Data Only, only Txd, Rxd, and Gnd signal lines are used in inter-device
communication. If the mode is set to Modem Signals, all modem signals except RI(Ring
Indicator) are asserted, tested, and used in communication.
z Remote IP Address / Port
(Default: / 4000)
When the Operation Mode is set to TCP Client, set the IP address and the socket number to
connect to.