Chapter 3, Portview, Sgconfig – Solvline PortView Ver2.3 User Manual
Page 9: Chapter 3. portview, 1 sgconfig, 2 portview
Chapter 3. PortView
Chapter 3. PortView
3.1 SGConfig
The SGConfig is included in PortView. The users can use search feature to locate SerialGate
devices in the local network or with the configure feature, following settings can be modified:
Network, Operation Mode, and Serial Option. If there are any devices servers connected to the
router, the PortView can access them to let the user manage them.
3.2 PortView
The PortView provides numbers of features: SGConfig feature, real-time data monitoring, real-
time device status, grouping and renaming devices, remote connection with web browser or telnet.