Other features, Config menu, Help – Solvline PortView Ver2.3 User Manual
Page 19: 2 other features
Chapter 4. Main Bar
4.2 Other Features
Provides features for configuration, help, about, sub-group, statistics, and how windows are arranged.
Config Menu
Alarm: Set when the alarm will be triggered. The alarm sound can be set also.
Log: Save log file if the message meets the condition.
Alive Check time: Send a signal by given period to check if the device is still alive.
Service Socket No: Select the port number to be used. The default value is 4000.
Change Password: When executed, a window will pop-up. Change the password from this
Origin Password: When not set by the user, there will not be any password. If the password
need to be changed, type the current password.
New Password: Type in the new password, if it needs to be changed.
Can check the help. May come with a separate manual. Same as About > Help from the top menu.