Snazzy FX DREAMBOAT User Manual
Page 14
plug the CO1 Y output into a VCO
plug the VCO into a filter(try the saw, now try a triangle, try a
square…see how it changes) into the CV in of CO1.
Plug the filter into a mixer.
Plug CO2 X output into the filters CV in
Take an out from the Filter, plug it into CO2 CV in.
Plug Section 2’s Y output into any other CV in your system (PWM
IN on your vco?)
the Dreamboat is as easy as turning knobs
Plug into other stuff. mess with sound.
-leave the audio section of a few dreamboats patched into a
mixer/speaker and leave it on while you work...just let the
strange chaotic system BREATHE
MULTIPLE DREAMBOAT PATCH: (requires two or more
Since each Chaotic Oscillator (CO for short) has a CV in and 2
outputs, we can easily chain the CO's together and cross-couple
STACKCABLES are really, really, helpful as well.
So you might start by taking the First Dreamboat C) you want to
connect, and you pick either its X or Y output. The X and y
Outputs behave somewhat differently. (they are not exact copies
of each has more harmonics, the phase is different,