Cleaning and winterizing, Troubleshooting, 8cleaning and winterizing – SeaLand SailVac VHT 5200 User Manual
Page 10: 9 troubleshooting, 1 cleaning, 2 winterizing, Operation sailvac vacuum holding tank

3 . Open discharge ball valve on top of VHT . Pump out holding tank through dockside or
overboard discharge fitting .
4. After pump-out, close the discharge valve on top of the VHT, close flush ball in toilet and
resume normal VacuFlush toilet operation .
Boat operator must know local sewage discharge regulations .
Cleaning and winterizing
8.1 Cleaning
A small amount of water remains in vacuum holding tank at all times, so it is good practice to rinse the
VHT completely after contents have been discharged .
1. After initial pump-out, add holding tank deodorant or cleaner to toilet bowl, and flush with water.
2. Continue flushing and pumping out tank until holding tank discharge is clear.
8.2 Winterizing
Use only propylene glycol freshwater antifreeze to winterize the holding tank. Make sure the
antifreeze does not contain alcohol.
1 . Pump out the holding tank .
2 . Add propylene glycol freshwater antifreeze to the holding tank .
Never use ethylene glycol automotive antifreeze in freshwater systems .
9 Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
Service Instruction
1 . Vacuum pump running too much
between flushes.
a . Flush ball in toilet leaks .
b . Vacuum line leak .
c . Foreign material has fouled
vacuum pump valves .
d . Pump diaphragm worn or
damaged .
e. Duckbill valve in discharge fitting
stuck open .
a . Refer to VacuFlush toilet manual
for information .
b . Tighten all hose connections at
vacuum holding tank and toilet .
c. Disassemble vacuum pump and
inspect under the two flat disk
valves . If foreign material is
present, remove it and
reassemble pump .
d . Inspect diaphragm in pump
for small hole or rip . Replace if
necessary .
e. Disassemble discharge outlet
and inspect duckbill valve . Clean
or repair if necessary .
2. Toilet will not flush (no vacuum).
a . Vacuum pump will not run .
b . Plugged vacuum discharge line .
c . Plugged vacuum pump valve .
d . Vacuum pump discharge or
intake lines are plugged .
a . See problem 3 .
b . Blockage usually at base of toilet
below flush ball. Disconnect line
and clear .
c . Inspect and clean pump valves .
Replace if needed .
d. Disassemble lines and clean.
SailVac Vacuum Holding Tank