Scientech S200 Vector User Manual

Page 35

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These commands may be used only from the IEEE488.2 interface. They are all members of the collection of
so-called "common commands" described in the standard.

*CLS Clears the Standard Event Status Register and forces the device into Operation Complete Command
Idle state and Operation Complete Query Idle state.

*ESR? Returns a decimal number which is the value of the Standard Event Status Register. Reading that
register clears it.

*ESE Sets the bits of the Standard Event Status Enable Register to the binary representation of
the decimal integer supplied.

*ESE? Returns a decimal number representing the contents of the Standard Event Status Enable Register.

*SRE Sets the bits of the Service Request Enable Register to the binary representation of the
decimal integer supplied.
*SRE? Returns a decimal number which represents the contents of the Service Request Enable Register.

*OPC Sets the "Operation Complete" event bit in the Standard Event Status Enable Register when
pending device operations have been completed.

*STB? Returns a decimal number which is the value of the IEEE488.1 status byte and the Master Summary
Status message.


The first time the dual channel indicator is powered up, the following settings have the values shown:
RS232 Baud Rate: 9600 Baud
RS232 Handshake Method: NONE
RS232 Parity: NONE

Channel A Range: 1
Channel A Autorange: OFF
Channel B Range: 1
Channel B Autorange: OFF
Channel Displayed: A
Remote Interface Channel Selected: A
Trigger Channel: A

Mode of Operation: ENERGY MODE
Pulses per average for average energy mode: 10

Backlight Switch: OFF

Logarithmic Display of Ratios: OFF

Tune Bar Display: OFF


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