Scientech S200 Vector User Manual
Page 31

switch settings (on pyros), or the type of sensor plugged into the amplifier (AD30). The meaning of the
integer is described further in specifications of the individual instruments.
RPT? This query causes the remote interface to begin sending a sequence of comma-separated
sequence of readings. A new reading is sent each time one is taken by the instrument. This activity will
continue until the remote interface is interrupted by a new command or query.
statistical analysis. This command continues until
interrupted by another command. If it is interrupted, no statistics are computed. If it terminates normally, it
computes values for the mean, max, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of the data points
collected. Those values may then be accessed with the queries mean?, max?,sigma?, and cv?. The
individual data points may be dumped with the dump? query.
the remote interface as they are collected. The COL? query is slower than the COL command.
SND? The SND? query causes the instrument to send the next reading to the remote interface.
MEAN? If statistics have been collected from the front panel, or by the COL or COL? commands, this
command returns the mean of the collection. If no statistics have been collected, it returns zero.
MAX? If statistics have been collected from the front panel, or by the COL or COL? commands, this
command returns the maximum value of the collection. If no statistics have been collected, it returns zero.
SIGMA? If statistics have been collected from the front panel, or by the COL or COL? commands, this
command returns the standard deviation of the collection. If no statistics have been collected, it returns zero.
CV? If statistics have been collected from the front panel, or by the COL or COL? commands, this
command returns the coefficient of variation of the collection. If no statistics have been collected, it returns
DUMP? If statistics have been collected from the front panel, or by the COL or COL? commands, this
command returns all of the data values in the collection. If no statistics have been collected, it does nothing.
the following: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600.
PARITY EVEN | ODD | NONE Sets the parity of the RS232 interface to even parity, odd parity, or no
parity, as specified.
HANDS XON | CTS | NONE Sets the handshake method of the RS232 interface to XON/XOF, CTS, or
NONE as specified.
IO RS232 | IEEE On units with both IEEE and RS232 interfaces, this command makes the named interface
the SAVED active interface. The next time the instrument is powered up, or the *RCL 0, or the *RST
command is executed, it becomes the active interface.