Scientech S200 Vector User Manual
Page 26

As it comes from the factory, the configuration of the RS232 interface is 9600 baud, No Parity, No
handshake. Should you desire to change this configuration, you can do it from either the front panel or the
remote interface. Changing the setup from the front panel takes two steps:
1) Obtain the RS232 setup menu
2) Select the options desired
Step 1) Obtaining the RS232 setup menu
Once you have selected the RS232 interface, go on to Step 2.
Step 2) Selecting the Desired Options
Having chosen the RS232 interface, the RS232 setup menu will be displayed. This menu consists of the
repeating sequence: bAUd...PAr...HndS, referring to baud rate, parity, and handshake. Press select when
the item you wish to set is shown in the display.
If you chose the bAUd entry, you will be presented with a baud rate menu consisting of the sequence
9600. Press SELECT when the desired baud rate is shown.
If you chose the PAr entry, you will be presented with a parity menu consisting of the sequence EuEn (for
Even)...Odd...nOnE. Press SELECT when the desired parity is shown.
If you chose the HndS entry, you will be presented with a handshake menu consisting of the sequence onoF
(for XON/XOFF)
...CTS...nOnE. Press SELECT when the desired handshake option is shown.
The RS232 interface can be configured remotely from either an RS232 remote terminal, or from an IEEE488
remote controller. This configuration is done by entering one or more of the commands from the remote
command language. Those commands which affect RS232 configuration are described below:
baud rate to the value supplied. If this command is issued from the RS232 interface, you must be sure to
change the baud rate on your terminal before proceeding with further remote interaction.
PARITY EVEN | ODD | NONE Sets the parity to the state supplied. If this command is issued from the
RS232 interface, be sure to change the parity on your communications terminal to match.
HANDS XON | CTS | NONE Sets the handshake method.
Setting the handshaking method to NONE causes the instrument to ignore the state of the CTS signal and to
ignore any received XOFF or XON characters.
Setting the handshake method to CTS causes the communications software to check the state of the CTS
signal before transmitting. If the signal is OFF (negative voltage, binary one, signal mark), the instrument will
delay transmission. If CTS is ON (positive voltage, binary zero,signal space), the instrument will go ahead
and transmit.