Miscellaneous logic output (j2, pin 18), Marker high sensitivity (j2 pin 13), Dual audio panel connections – PS Engineering PMA8000D Installation Manual User Manual

Page 15: And -337 only), Intercom wiring, Entertainment inputs

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PS Engineering

PMA8000D Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System

Installation and Operator’s Manual


Page 2-7

Rev. 6, Oct. 2014

2.4.11 Miscellaneous Logic Output (J2, Pin 18)

Pin 18 of the J2 connector is pulled to ground whenever the AUX button is depressed. This serves as a con-
trol line for external devices that the pilot wishes to control.

2.4.12 Marker High Sensitivity (J2 Pin 13)

The PMA8000D defaults to LOW marker sensitivity of 1000µVolts. If High marker beacon sensitivity is
desired, J2 Pin 13 can be connected to ground (or J2 pin 14), through a switch, to set the marker beacon
threshold sensitivity to 200 µVolts.

2.4.13 Dual Audio Panel Connections

The PMA8000D has specific interconnection between the two audio panels, which we refer to as Pilot’s, or
Primary; and Copilot’s, or Secondary. Crosstie (x-tie) Audio

Audio cross tie containing the other crewmember and passenger intercom, as appropriate selected by inter-
com mode, is transferred between audio panels on J2, Pin 3 (audio output to the other audio panel) and J2
Pin 32 (Audio input from the other audio panel). Connect Pins 2 to 32 on the other panel. Serial Data (J2 Pins 24 & 26)

A serial communication bus communicated mode information between the primary and secondary panels.
J1 Pins 24 and 26 are the serial data connections. Connect Pin 24 (Data +) to Pin 24 on the other panel, and
Pin 26 to Pin 26 (Data –). PTT Sense

Each audio panel needs to know if the other unit is transmitting. The J2, Pin 33 on each audio panel senses
that the other crew member is transmitting, and will block any attempt by the copilot’s panel to simultane-
ously transmit on the same radio as the pilot. Secondary Audio Panel Strap (J2, Pin 17)

This pin is permanently connected to ground and determines which panel is considered the secondary (or
copilot’s). This strap must be installed on the copilots box only for proper operation.

NOTE: The pilot and copilot PMA8000D units are interchangeable, because this pin alters the functionality
of the unit installed in that position.

2.4.14 CVR Output (J2, Pin 4) Part Numbers –0314, -0315, -0316, -0317, -0334, -0335, -0336

and -337 ONLY)

The PMA8000D (Part Number – ONLY) contains an output for Cockpit Voice Reorder. This audio output
contains the intercom audio presented to the crewmember associated with the audio panel, as well as the
selected radio audio and unswitched audio. This audio output is complaint with 14 CFR §23.1457 and
§25.1457 (a)(1), (3), (4), and (5).


Intercom wiring

See Appendix C and D for intercom connection configurations. It is critical to the proper operation of this
system to have this connector wiring made in accordance with these diagrams. Use 2- and 3-conductor,
MIL-spec cable as shown. Connect the shields at the audio panel end only, and tie to the audio low inputs as


Entertainment Inputs

The PMA8000D has two INDEPENDENT music inputs, PLUS a front mounted jack that is connected to
Entertainment 1. Entertainment input number 1 is J2 pins 23 (left channel) and 24 (right channel), with re-
spect to pin 25, and Entertainment number 2 is connected to 26 (left channel), 27 (right channel), with re-
spect to 28.