Monitor function (b) (monitor mode), Music function (c) (music distribution control), For m – PS Engineering PMA8000C Installation Manual User Manual
Page 29

PS Engineering
PMA8000C Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-8
Rev. 3, May 2014
To use these function keys “A,” “B,” “C” – press and hold the desired key, “Intercom” (COM 3) “Monitor”
(AUX) “Music” (Mute) and “Music Volume” (SPR).
There are three special functions. Function Button “A” (Intercom) is related to disconnecting the passenger
microphones from the crew headsets when the aircraft radio is active. This keeps passengers from interrupt-
ing the crew.
Function Button “B” controls the monitor mode.
Function “C” controls how music is distributed in your airplane.
There are multiple music sources available to the PMA8000C. Music 1 input can be streamed from a Blue-
tooth source, input through the front jack, OR the Music 1 input at the rear connector (Pins 23 and 24 J2).
Music 2 is wired into the rear connector, only (Pins 26 and 27, J2)
3.10.1 Intercom Function (A) (Alternate Intercom Function)
Intercom Function (A) controls the distribution of aircraft radio within the intercom, as well as passenger
intercom muting. In the “standard intercom function” mode, aircraft radios are distributed to all, when the
intercom is in the ALL mode. In CREW mode, only the pilot and copilot positions will hear aircraft radios.
When the Intercom function is toggled into “Alternate Intercom Function,” the passengers will NOT hear
aircraft radios, even in the all mode. They will be able to converse with the crew. However, when the air-
craft radio becomes active, the intercom audio from the passengers is removed from crew headsets, allow-
ing the crew to focus on the radio. The passengers will still be able to talk to each other.
3.10.2 Monitor Function (B) (Monitor Mode)
Pressing Monitor function (Aux button) will activate or deactivate the COM radio monitor function. When
the Monitor is on, the audio from the COM that is selected for reception only (only top LED illuminated)
will be muted when the radio that is selected to transmit becomes active.
This function is useful if you are copying weather from AWOS on COM 2, but have clearance delivery
tuned in on COM 1. With the monitor active, the AWOS audio will be silenced when clearance delivery
starts to speak.
When you press AUX button for more than one second, the audio will announce “Monitor on,” when acti-
vated, and “Monitor off” when deactivated. Also the LED will flash on the audio panel telling you that
you’re in the monitor mode for that particular Com.
NOTE: This mode is NOT remembered through power cycles, to prevent inadvertent blocking of desired
audio on your next trip.
3.10.3 Music Function (C) (Music Distribution Control)
Music Function (Mute button) allows you either send the Music 1 input to all intercom stations, all of the
time, or have other distribution rules apply to your music inputs.
When “Music one all headsets” is selected, Music 1 (from the rear connector input, Pins J2 23 & 24 only)
will be distributed to all headsets and is independent of the intercom mode switch. Therefore, even in the
CREW mode, the passengers will hear Music 1, even though they will not hear the intercom or radios.
This mode allows you to use a single in-flight entertainment source aboard, and to send it everywhere, even
in crew mode. The music muting will be normal, and follow the selected mode of the crew or passengers.
Music function also allows you to configure your music to be either independent of the intercom mode, or
to make Music 2 dependent on the intercom mode.
When you press Music function again, you’ll hear, “Alternate Music distribution.” In this case, Music 2 will
be active only when the intercom is in the CREW mode, and only the passengers will hear it. This distribu-
tion is similar to other brands of audio panels. It allows the passengers to have their music source come on
only when they are not hearing the crew. In addition, the front panel jack input will be distributed to the
passengers in ALL and ISO mode. This is the only mode where the passengers hear the front panel jack.