PS Engineering PDA360EX Pilot’s Guide User Manual

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Feb. 2011 PAR100EX Pilot Guide

nications radio is selected for transmit. The top row of pushbuttons (# 3)
allows selection of the receiver audio. Push the lower button to select the
desired COM transmitter. A green LED above the button illuminates to indi-
cate that the audio is selected.
The PAR100EX-Series has an automatic com receiver selector system. Au-
dio from the selected transceiver is automatically heard in the headsets and
speaker (if selected). You can check this function by switching from Com 1
transmitter to Com 2 transmitter by pressing the C


2 transmitter selector

pushbutton. See that the associated Com 2 receive pushbutton indicator light
that is located immediately above the Com 2 transmitter pushbutton turns
green. This guarantees that the pilot will always hear the audio from the
transceiver selected for transmit.
The PAR100EX “remembers” the receiver selection, so that when switching
transmitters from C


1 to C


2, if C


2 audio was previously selected,



1 audio will continue to be heard. This eliminates the pilot having to

switch Com 1 audio back on, after changing transmitters.
When switching from C


1 to C


2 while Com 2 was not previously se-

lected, C


1 audio will be switched off. In essence, switching the mic se-

lector will not override prior selection of COM
receiver audio.
In normal (not split) modes, the PAR100EX
gives priority to the pilot’s radio Push-To-Talk
(PTT). If the copilot it transmitting, and the
pilot presses his PTT, the pilot’s microphone
will be heard over the selected com transmitter.

Split Mode

The split mode can be activated at any time by
pressing the C1 and C2 XMT buttons at the same
time. This places the pilot on C


1 and the Copilot

on C



Pilot on C


2 and Copilot on C


1 is not possible.


Due to the nature of VHF communications signals, and the size constraints
in general aviation aircraft, it is probable that there will be some bleed-over
in the Split mode, particularly on adjacent frequencies. PS Engineering
makes no warranty about the suitability of Split Mode in all aircraft

Swap Mode (Switch from Com 1 to Com 2 remotely)
With a yoke mounted, normally open momentary switch, the pilot can
change from the current Com transceiver to the other by depressing this
switch. To cancel "Swap Mode," the pilot may either press the yoke mounted
switch again, or select a different Com with the XMT buttons.