Proto-X FPV User Manual
Page 7

Remove the protective lens cover from
the front of the quadcopter and discard.
Pull on the little green tab to do so.
With the quadcopter in arm’s reach,
the battery plugged in and the throttle
stick (left stick mode 2) all the way
down, turn on the transmitter, and the
red LED will flash. Do not move any of
the control sticks, trims or Quad before
the transmitter and Quad have finished
pairing. The screen will say “System
Initialize”, then “Bind to Plane”. At
this time, move the ON/OFF switch
to the ON position to complete the
initialization (linking). The LED on the
transmitter will turn green, letting you
know linking is complete.
NOTE: Your Proto-X FPV is designed with a Power-On safety feature. This ensures
that the motors will not start unless it detects a suitable control signal when the
battery is connected. Make sure the throttle stick is in the full down position.
To turn the quadcopter’s LEDs on and off, use the throttle trim button. Press and
hold one time to turn off, then again to turn on. The LEDs on the quad will also
start to flash when the flight battery becomes low or the linking has failed.
Learn how to fly the Proto-X FPV (First Person Video) and maintain control
both indoors and out at an altitude no higher than 10 feet before you advance
to full FPV flight. A large part of being successful in FPV flying is training your
fingers and brain to know how the model will respond with your inputs so you can
predetermine your stick movements. It can be very different to look at an LCD
screen and determine hover altitude and speed. You will need to visually correlate
and remember how the model reacts in wind and no wind conditions.
When flying indoors or out allow for plenty of free space between couches, tables,
trees, buildings or other objects that you might fly into. A large area with soft tall
grass is best. Remember when flying FPV you should have a “safety spotter” to
help manage the flight of the Proto-X FPV.