Proto-X FPV User Manual
Page 6

You can set the current time and date in your transmitter. (24-hour clock)
To do so press down on the right stick to enter the main menu. There you will see
SET REAL TIME. Move the stick or up or down to scroll through the menu and
move the stick right to navigate the menu and set time. Exit the menu by scrolling
out of the program or you can simply hold the right stick down for 2 seconds to exit.
Insert your memory card into the transmitter.
Press down on the right stick for 1 second to enter the settings menu. Move the
right stick up and down to choose FORMAT MEMORY CARD. Push the right stick
to the right, move it up and down to choose and push right to confirm or exit. Hold
down the right stick for 2 seconds to exit. WARNING: ALWAYS FORMAT THE
NOTE: Always have the transmitter switched
OFF when installing or removing the memory
card. Always stop video recording before
removing the memory card.
Insert the memory card by carefully orienting
it and pushing it. The card will click into place.
To remove, simply push to eject.
With the quad linked to the transmitter
pushing the Record button will begin the
recording session. The word REC will
show on the screen. Simply push the
Record button to stop the recording
session. Remember, NEVER format the
card in flight or with the Quad linked to the
NOTE: If you want to enter the on screen
menus after powering on the transmitter
and before linking, you can simply press
and hold the transmitter's “video” button
to bypass linking. It’s important to note
that you must turn the transmitter off, then
back on before attempting to link up to the
Install the micro memory card into the back of the quadcopter by placing it “contacts
down” and sliding it into the card slot. To remove the card, grasp it and pull it out. After
use this card can be placed in the reader and the video file viewed or saved on any
computer. To start-and stop- recording
video on the quadcopter, press the small
button located on the back of the quad
near the Micro memory card. Press one
time to start (the LED near the button will
flash). Press once again to stop recording.
The transmitter and the Proto-X FPV
HD’s video recordings are two separate
recording systems. Both require memory
cards to capture and replay video.