MF Digital Director EC Publishing Series User Manual
Page 25

DIRECTOR EC Series Operator’s Guide
Document Revision: 080904
Page 24
• Click the Operator’s E-mail Address field and enter an email address.
Leave the field blank if the DIRECTOR EC is not attached to a network
or if you do not want to receive unit attention messages.
Recording Speed (Required)
The Recording Speed pull-down allows you to set the recording speed as
determined by the capabilities of the recorders installed in the DIRECTOR
• Click the Recording Speed pull down and select the desired recording
speed “maximum speed”, or “4x, 8x, 12x, 16x, 20x, 24x, 32x, or 48x
• Click on “Apply” to activate the changes.
Asynchronous Mode (Required)
The Asynchronous Mode pull-down is used to instruct the DIRECTOR EC
how to process jobs. This affects both how jobs are handled and how the
drives operate. Jobs and drives can run either synchronously or
asynchronously. In the table below you will find each mode detailed. Let’s
define the basic modes first:
Jobs=Synchronous / Asynchronous
When jobs are Synchronous, they are completed in the order in which
they were submitted. Take for example two jobs submitted for one copy
each. The first job is of a 650MB master while the second job is only
10MB. While the second job submitted will be completed prior to the
first job, it will not be outputted to the accept spindle until the second
job has been completed. When jobs are Asynchronous they will be
outputted to the accept spindle as they are completed.
Drives=Synchronous /Asynchronous
Drives can also run either synchronously or asynchronously. In
synchronous mode, all the drives in use for a given job, run in tandem
or parallel to one another. In asynchronous mode, all the drives in use
for a given job, operate independently of each other. For example if you
submit a job for three copies and the drives are operating
synchronously, the copying process will not begin until all drives
become ready. On the other hand, if the same job were submitted with
the drives operating asynchronously, each drive would begin to write as
soon as it becomes ready, independently of any other drives which may