MF Digital Director EC Publishing Series User Manual
Page 20

DIRECTOR EC Series Operator’s Guide
Document Revision: 080904
Page 19
• Click the Perform Test button. The screen will now display:
• Manually open drive tray
• Place a blank disc on the input spindle.
• Click the Yes button.
• The disc will be loaded from the input spindle and over the open drive
tray, so that you may properly align the drive tower
• Click the Yes button.
• The disc will be loaded onto the drive tray. Observe the disc’s position
on the tray. The CD fits into the inset on the drive tray.
• The screen will now display:
• Click the OK button. The disc will be unloaded onto the output spindle.
If the drive tower alignment is correct, tighten the thumb screws for the
drive tower. If the alignment is not correct, adjust the position of the
drive tower as needed and repeat the procedure. When aligning the
printer is completed click the Exit button. The EC Alignment Utility
will close.
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